I would say that technology is the one thing which has changed childrearing the most. Apart from all the appliances which makes life easier, there is the entertainment side. We now have the TV to entertain our children (I do not condone this, why have children if you're simply going to put them in front of the TV?), Ipads to educate them, and the internet to... well, do everything. What did mothers do before technology?

I found a new appreciation for the internet the other morning. Son had woken up earlier than usual and was fussing during the feed. I breastfeed and was becoming frustrated. I didn't want my husband to be woken up so I took him downstairs to the warmth of the sitting room. If I was going to be consciously awake, I wanted to be doing something.

I turned on the computer, opened up the internet and eBay popped up. Who knew that shops were still open at this time? Shopping at 3am on a Saturday morning is amazing. A whole world has opened up to me, and I don't know if it's altogether a good thing. I can see it easily becoming an addiction. I have visions of myself with two dozen handbags (my weakness), a dozen pairs of boots (a necessity in the Irish winter), and overflowing draws full of clothes (an easy option to search). I tell myself that it's only a few pound, but all those 'few pounds' quickly add up.

Thankfully Son hasn't fussed during an early morning feed since and I haven't been 3am-shopping since. Only time will tell whether I become a frequent 3am-shopper, but I am resisting the urge to log-on.

Has anyone else frequented shops during their little ones early morning feeds? What do you do to pass the time in the early hours?